Cambria Christian Church

Welcome to Cambria Christian Church!

Our mission is to help people establish a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and learn how to live an abundant life through Him.  

We believe that through the preaching and teaching of the Bible and worshiping with a body of believers,

individuals will grow spiritually and discover their purpose in this life. 

We are committed to loving and serving God, loving each other, maturing spiritually and being witnesses for Jesus. 



About our Services

Website Times

Sunday Morning Services

We invite you to join us for our Sunday Morning Worship Services!

9:00 am or 10:30 am

Sunday Morning Breakfast Fellowship Time:

Come enjoy a cup of coffee, donuts, and other breakfast items before either service! 8:15-9:00 or 10:00-10:30 in the Fellowship Hall

Youth Church

C3 offers fun, interactive and meaningful Youth classes from the Explore the Bible curriculum. Classes for up to 8th grade take place during both Worship services. 


REFUEL Services

Our Wednesday evening services are a time to dive deeper into God's Word and get a mid-week spiritual REFUEL! Classes for all ages!  

C3 Mission Statement:

Worship ~ Purpose ~ Fellowship

Where God is Worshiped; Purpose is Discovered; Families Come Together


Let's worship the King of Kings!
Let's worship the King of Kings!